Reverend Richard Reed
President & CEO

Visionary – Successfully worked in the non-profit industry for over 20 years. Established and launched First To Serve, Inc. (FTS) as a non-profit organization serving the community in 2002. Since its inception served as the Executive Director and responsible for general management, operations, as well as developing and designing an effective expansion plan for the organization.
Leadership – Actively engages and energizes board members, funders, partnering organizations and strategic alliances to support the vison of FTS. Sought and built board involvement with intentional direction for both ongoing local operations and the future plans for the organization. Effectively communicates and networks with funders, government officials and other community agencies.
Management – Through his leadership, compassion and perseverance, he leads, coaches, mentors and fosters a management team to ensure the effectiveness and continuity of the vision of FTS. Directs the administrative planning, policies and procedures of FTS. Works closely with the Board of Directors. Conducts regular staff meetings and evaluates the effectiveness of programs and identifies areas of improvements. Supervises all staff members.
Programs – Successfully developed programs for mental health and co-occurring disorders since 2002; serving the comprehensive needs of homelessness, drug addiction, mental health illness, domestic violence and other barriers that individuals may need assistance; develops policies; identifies areas for improvement and institutes new programs; evaluates changes and/or makes recommendation for major changes; oversees all agency operations, donations and concerns and all First To Serve facilities management.
Fiscal Responsibility – Reviews and approves county contracts and routinely analyzes financial data. Qualifies and develop potential funding opportunities and fundraising for donations; tracks expenditures, payroll and approved invoices and expenses related to program expenses. Reviews operational budgets and cash flow.
Key Accomplishments – First To Serve (FTS) Programs
· Substance Abuse Treatment (men and women)
· Transitional Living (men and women)
· Crisis Housing – Temporary Shelter for Women and Children
· Crisis Housing – Temporary Shelter for Single Women and Men
· Domestic Violence Program (two locations-single and women and children)
· Winter Shelter Programs – 3 locations capacity of 410 singles
· Interim Housing – Department Health Services – 5 locations
· Interim Housing – Department of Mental Health – 3 locations
· Rapid Housing Program- First To Serve/ St. Joseph
· Currently – Working on Outpatient Substance Abuse Service
Reverend Reed has received Numerous awards and community accolades from LA County Board of Supervisors, County, State and local officials for helping persons with substance abuse, mental health and cooccurring disorders.
We exist to make a difference in the Los Angeles Community; our mission is to provide comprehensive substance abuse treatment recovery services and supportive services to economically disadvantaged individuals that suffer from substance abuse, mental illness, and homelessness.