Interim Housing
Intake Hours 9am-4pm Population Served: Single Individuals Participants must be referred by Department of Health Services only***
This program is a 24-hour facility that assists Single Women/Men and Women with Children with temporary shelter. The head of household and/or children must be receiving mental health services for a minimum of 6 months. While residing at First To Serve they are provided with shelter, 3 meals per day, laundry service on site & toiletries/hygiene.
FTS provides 277 Interim Housing beds consisting of 5 scattered sites. The facility is structured with 24/7 staffing and serves single individuals with interim housing services. During their stay, individuals are provided with shelter, food, laundry services, case management, transportation and other basic supportive services.

We exist to make a difference in the Los Angeles Community; our mission is to provide comprehensive substance abuse treatment recovery services and supportive services to economically disadvantaged individuals that suffer from substance abuse, mental illness, and homelessness.